Saturday, July 12, 2014

Breakthrough Gram

Best Relationship Advice:

Don’t say it if you don’t mean it and can live with the consequences of your own words.

Breakthrough Gram

Words to Ponder-If your significant other had to choose all over again, would they choose you? #appreciatewhatyouhaveorsomeoneelsewill

Breakthrough Gram

Truth is, if I had to be with anyone else, it'd still be you! #loveisreal #loveworks #inittowin

He's Scared, She Scared Tele-Seminar Summer Series

God put it on my heart to release this series so his people can heal. So please join me and my guest for this powerful, impactful, and transformational series on: "When the Past is Present: How to Heal from Emotional Wounds that are Sabotaging Our Relationships" can't wait for the transformation to take place. Here's the deets: register at

You don't want to miss out on this call. Healing is necessary and a must, your future depends on it! Hope you can call in for your healing!